Let’s play! A movie filmed on Mackinac Island called This Time for Keeps is showing on Turner Classic Movies 4-27

. (Tape it if you can! ) I talk about the movie in my novel Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy) I want to send 5 people a signed book mark and a picture of the Round Island lighthouse on the front of my book. To play ..email me the answers to these questions .. DON’T POST ANSWERS HERE - you can find the answers in Chapter 6 or listen to the sample for free here on Scribd which also has the answers! https://bit.ly/2S4Chke Email me the answers at info@lakegirlPublishing.com. I’ll draw 5 winners from a hat May 1st. Tell your friends!
Q 1 What movie is mentioned right before This Time for Keeps?
Q 2 What are the names of the couple Piper Penn is talking to?
Don’t answer here but email me and go to www.LakeGirlPublishing.com/connect for more fun things in the future! (Only For USA participants)