It's taken a long time, but it's here! On Amazon, on Nook, Chirp...and more, Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy) is available in the audio version as well as ebook and paperback. Different sites have different audio samples you can hear for free, so check out various ones. Most of them you can join their book clubs for a free trial, and then cancel...if that works for you. The spoken word is powerful, and it's a different experience I think you will enjoy even if you've read the book. Please tell your friends, and this is also a great gift to send to someone who needs a break. If you've read or heard the book, please let me hear from you! Make sure you're signed up to my newsletter, because I'll be giving away some free codes along the way. Thanks for reading, sharing this post, and joining in my excitement that the audio version is now everywhere!
