The last two weeks, I’m seeing a substantial difference! That’s because I’ve had cataract surgery first on the right eye, and yesterday on the left. Have any of you “been there, done that?” I won’t know the final outcome of my vision assessment for a couple of weeks as my eyes heal, but I sure never want to take good sight for granted. It’s such a gift! As an author, artist, and voice pro…I need my eyes! Everything stops without them. They help me stay connected in so many ways!
Speaking of connected! Have you signed up for my e-newsletter? I do surprises on there that only happen there…so don’t miss out! You’ll also get a free download of artwork when you sign up.
I also have a private Facebook page
I’m looking forward to “seeing” the leaves change soon, my favorite time of year. I’ve taken a break these last few weeks, but I’m looking forward to getting back to Being Wendy (In a world afraid to grow up)…I know many of you are waiting for it! The cover is coming along nicely….and do you know what the main color theme will be? See if you can guess.
I’ve got a big birthday coming up…Oct. 8th…the big 65! Every day is certainly a gift, and I’m looking forward to some of the changes that will come with reaching that age in the future. And can I please stop receiving 9 million Medicare ads in the mail every day???? I’d like to have all the money invested in trying to get me to go with this or that program. I wish they would hire a copywriter like me and my colleagues to make it simpler and more truthful. They are all making themselves look like the best choice, but they leave out this or that fact.:)
Do you love to doodle? Everyone can doodle! I’ve got some exciting doodle news coming up in the next year…I’ll leave it at that…but it’s really cool!
Thanks for everything you do to help Fuel Faith With Fiction™ for Lake Girl Publishing, LLC. We can’t do it without you. Here’s an example of how I tell people about my books, and maybe you can adapt it in your life. When I went for my surgeries, I asked the check in person, the nurses…etc.…do you like to read, or know someone who likes to read? If they weren’t interested, I dropped it right away (I do this all the time) but many light up and say, “yes, I love to read” or “My mother loves to read.” Then, I tell them about my novels set on Mackinac Island, and I give them one of my postcards with my 3 books on it. One of the nurses in the surgery room with me was so excited because she finished schooling recently, and now has time to do what she loves – read novels with a mystery element. She wanted my card. That’s a good example of an easy way to spread the word…simply ask people…do you like to read, or know someone who does? Boom…talk about the books! Tell them to search my name or any of the titles on google and they are all easily found. YOU are how we Fuel Faith with Fiction™ - super important – the reason for the books! Have you read Being Alice (In a world lost in the looking glass) ? Mystery, romance, friendship, and faith...all on Mackinac Island in 1981. Go see!
So, connect, keep in touch, and remember, I send author swag goodies to anyone who sends me pics of themselves with my books, and love those pics of you at The Island Bookstore with my books…including various pics of my books in the store. Love that!
Blessings until our next conversation when I’m sure I’ll see you even more clearly. Happy Fall! Email me at anytime! and remember to leave reviews about all the books at all the places...really helps an author!
Psalm 34: 8 Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! NLT
